Guess who this is? 

The October Boofest on October 27 at the Morristown Park had a bright and cheery visitor and if you have not guessed already, it was Raggedy Ann.  It brings back many childhood memories if that special doll at cold always put a smile on anyone's face.  Well, our own Yvonne Wheeler really got with it and dressed up for the occasion.  We hope it brings back some good childhood memories for you.  It did for me.  

TRINITY United Methodist Church
425 Wilder Street, Morristown, TN37813  423-586-5360
Trinity United Methodist Church
Morristown, Tennessee  
29 You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light2 Samuel 22:29
TRINITY United Methodist Church
425 Wilder Street, Morristown, TN37813  423-586-5360
TRINITY United Methodist Church
425 Wilder Street, Morristown, TN37813  423-586-5360
Trinity United Methodist Church
425 Wilder Street, Morristown, TN 37813  423.586.5360
Hello and welcome to our Children's website here at Trinity UMC.  We have a variety of activities for all of the children and the majority of them will have explanations in one of the sub-tabs above.  The Children's Ministry page will provide today's and future activities involving Christian education.  Our program of Upward Basketball (2nd year for it) is an area that our church children as well as visitors can have loads of fun playing basketball and having good fellowship during their practices and games.  Our special events area can involve our children in the annual Christmas program as well as other similar types throughout the year.

If you have any questions, please see me anytime before church services or contact me by calling the church office.  I look forward to hearing from you.
Page updated 12/27/2011 @ 10:54am
Trikeathon Photos
New Email Address - The children’s ministry has a new email address. It is Please use this address when corresponding with the children’s department via e-mail.
New Email Address

Acolyte Training 
Please remember that this wonderful opportunity is available each Wednesday at 6:15pm.

Beginning on Wednesday, March 16, the Children’s Department will be having Acolyte Training. This is for any child who is 3rd-5th grade and wants to be an acolyte in the Sunday morning worship service. This training is necessary for the kids who want to be an acolyte. The training will be from 6:00-6:15 p.m. on Wednesday nights so it will not interfere with any choir or Bible studies. Please see Jana Terry or Carole for more information.

Hometown Nazareth, VBS 2011 was a tremendous sccess!  Throughout the week, students learned about the hometown and youth of Jesus in the town of Nazareth.,   They met with Mary to hear stories of Jesus's childhood, experienced the surroundings of a synagogue, listned to the Hebrew language, planted seeds in the farmer's field used carpentry tools, and made their own beads, oils and toy sheep.

Students met with tribe leaders who told them about a real relationshiop with God who sent His son to live amont us over 2000 years ago.  Many students commented that this was the "Best Bible School Ever."

Bible school 2011 was truly a whole church effort.  We enrolled 56 children in VBS and 57 adults worked in a volunteer capacity.  Citizens in our Nazareth town  represented every age group of the church and the children got to form relationships with adults they many have never meet.  These are the church experiences that every child remembers and the kind of memories that will keep them coming back.  Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this VBS a success.  Whether you built sets,  taught a class, sent a snack, or dropped off a child, you had a part in this wonderful Bible School experience!

Jaime Greene

Marie Cunningham
Children's Ministries Director

During this season of Lent, Children will experience their own personal “Journey to
Hope throughout the weeks ahead in AMPLIFY Children’s Worship. Each Sunday the
Children’s Message will directly correlate with what is being shared in the adult worship
service, but on a child’s level of understand so that they can take their worship
experience in to process and live out. Each week children will experience and discover
Scripture Focus, a Summary for the big idea. Also children will explore specific
question that relates to scripture that will help them know how to apply what they
have learned, further impacting their lives. Additionally children will have the opportunity
to see special video clips, journal their journey, and participate in a hands on
service project as their faith grows it will produce action. Parents this is a great way
to talk back and forth with your child about your worship experiences both yours and
theirs and grow your spiritual foundations and relationships in Christ Jesus together.
It doesn’t get and more exciting than that. I promise!

Please make sure your child doesn’t miss this wonderful worship opportunity. Make
it a priority for them and for yourself to see that your child can have this amazing
spiritual knowledge and discover the Journey to Hope.

In Christ Jesus,
Ms. Marie
2011 Vacation Bible School
AMPLIFY Children’s Worship has been such a beautiful time as I see these wonderful children learn authentic worship as they direct every instance, in their actions and attitude toward God. They are learning to adore Him, worship Him for who He is and what He has done. What a joy it is to serve God and His children alongside Ms. Grace Cunningham and Mrs. Leigh Ann Allen who have helped me lead these children in worshiping God..