Trinity United Methodist Church
Morristown, Tennessee
Trinity United Methodist Church
425 Wilder Street, Morristown, TN 37813  423.586.5360

Randy Greene
Director of Music Ministries
"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."  Zephaniah 3:17


Children's Choir 6:15pm

Handbell Choir 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Adult Choir 7:15pm

(Extended Kid's Program for children whose parents are in the choir)

It’s hard to believe summer is coming to an end, and our full schedule is about
to kick in. We have had a great summer in Adult Choir, experiencing great attendance
at rehearsal and singing some fun new pieces together. As a reminder
to choir members, our regularly scheduled 7:15 Wednesday night rehearsals will
resume on August 10th. Handbells will resume 6:00 Wednesday night rehearsals
on August 17.

If you’ve been thinking about joining the Adult choir, the only step you need to
take is join us at practice. Membership in the choir is ALWAYS open and the
only requirement is a heart for worship through song. If you’re interested in
playing handbells, come see me and I’ll be happy to discuss what is available.
Handbells have also met to discuss plans for the continuation of this important ministry.
I appreciate all the members of the handbell choir for continuing their participation, and I am happy to welcome a couple of new members to this group as well. Handbells will be practicing on Wednesday nights from 6:00 to 7:00 and will prepare music to share on occasion during morning worship services. This is a very blessed ministry at our church and I am happy that it will continue to serve our congregation.

The reviews are in, and the Easter cantata, “This We Believe” was truly a blessing. I have heard so many compliments about the singing, but most of all, everyone felt a spirit of worship and musical offering throughout the program. Thank you to all choir members who participated.  It is now time to change gears and think about our Summer schedule. After much thought and discussion with choir members Wednesday night, it was determined that we will move choir practice to Sunday evenings at 6:00PM for the Summer season only. This will allow those choir members who are traveling through the week to not have to miss choir rehearsal. Even if your travel plans do mean that you will miss a rehearsal, please remember that we will work up pieces ahead of time and your presence in the loft on Sunday is still critical. Choir members will be notified ahead of time if rehearsal will not be held that week.

Page Updated 12-27-2011 @ 6:47pm
2012 Music Department Resolutions: More people from the church to joing the adult choir!  Help be a part of making this reslution come true!  Join us for adult choir on Wednesday at 7:15pm for practice.  No cutting calories or gym membership is necessary  We need you!