Trinity United Methodist Church
        Morristown, Tennessee  
        Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
        2 Timothy 2:22
        Trinity United Methodist Church
        425 Wilder Street, Morristown, TN 37813  423.586.5360
        Since we are a ministry mainly composed of teenagers, Discipleship is our main focus. Students are taught in practical ways how to live out their faith, and they are challenged to do so. We study what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and why this is the best decision that anyone can make. We also emphasize the importance of making that decision one's own, embracing God genuinely, and serving Him daily.

        In Narrow Path Youth Ministries, Worship is demonstrated as a lifestyle, instead of a singular event during the week. We learn about God and how to appreciate His worth on a daily basis through being involved in worship with our church family, worship hikes and excursions, prayer and meditation, and studying what the bible says about how to acknowledge God for His goodness and grace.

        Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and meeting the needs of others are also very important to us. We witness to others through random acts of kindness, visitations, mission trips, backyard bible clubs, and ministries to children in our community. Also, each youth member is strongly encouraged to find an area of service in the church in which to serve God and humanity.

        Students and youth leaders take part in several activities each month that emphasize community-building among those in the youth group. Weekly snack suppers, small group activities, and a monthly group activity are fundamental components in our youth ministry.
        Page updated: 7/02/2012 @ 9:40am
        Brandon J. Moore
        Director of Youth Ministries

        Narrow Path Youth Ministries is the youth fellowship for students from the 6th through the 12th grade at Trinity.

        If you have any questions, please contact Brandon J. Moore, Director of Youth Ministries at 423.231.1789 or via e-mail at

        Narrow Path Youth Ministries - The Best Is Yet To Come
        During lent, the youth will be studying the book 24 hours that changed the world by Adarn Hamilton. Throughout lent. the students will be learning about Jesus' Jewish heritage and upbringing in addition to the context of his arrest; trial, and crucifixion. On Wednesday, April 4, this study will culminate with a special sedar meal led by Nancy Greenberg from Atlanta. This seder meal will bring the passover context of Jesus' last supper to life for our students, their guests, and parents. There is a possibility that this meal invitation might be extended to the entire congregation. Please let Brandon know if you are interested.


        I . To replace the tune normally spend eating with prayer, bible study, and discerning god's will for them, their families, friends, their youth group, their church, and their future.

        2. To highlight the issue of world hunger and how it effects hundreds of millions of people throughout the world (including people in our own city, state and nation). On this day, the youth will be doing some type of fundraiser from which all of the proceeds will go to world vision anon profit organization that provides food to needy persons throughout the world.

        Those who are not physically able to fast for 30 hours will either fast from meals) or give up something that day that will help them to become closer to Christ (distractions cell phone, television, etc.) During the evening, students will gather at the church for a lock in that will have games with a world hunger theme, a worship service, prayer tune, and other special activities. There are several ways that you can help to participate in this effort: 1. Fast with the kids either through a food fast or an alternative fast. 2. Donate bottles of fruit juice (grape, apple; cranapple, cranberry; etc.) That will be used to hydrate the participants of tile 30 hour famine lock in. 3. Donate money through our fundraiser (info coming soon). 4. Sign up to come and chaperone during some part of the 30 hour famine experience (sign up list and infoComing soon).

        Over the past five years, our youth group has helped to feed hundreds of people throughout the world through their 30 hour famine effort. Over X20,000 has been raised and many lives have been saved through our youth group's efforts and through your generosity. Let's make this year another one to remember!

        From July 8-14, we will be taking 15 youth to student life at the beach! This is not some kind of vacation ...this is an investment into the lives of our youth in a very unique way. Our youth group has gone on this trip three times, and many of our students have shared that this is the best youth event that they have ever been to. It is an amazing thing to participate in worship with 7,000 other teenagers from all over the united states. The featured speaker is Louie Giglio and the worship leader is Chris Tomlin. This duo works together regularly to bring messages through song and spoken word that both challenge and inspire our students to life a life of holiness.

        Since last august, students have been making monthly payments in order to pay for their spot to beach camp. Some of our students are not able to make the complete investment themselves., TT would like to, secure sponsors for these students to pay $75 on their trips. They will be working diligently to pay the rest themselves. If you are interested in helping offset the cost for some of our needy students, please see Brandon immediately.

        In April ...coming to a school near you ...Reggie Dabbs, our 2012 resurrection speaker'!! He will be visiting all of our local middle schools and high schools. Details will be released soon.

        Over the past five years, our youth group has helped to feed hundreds of people throughout the world through their 30 hour famine effort. Over X20,000 has been raised and many lives have been saved through our youth group's efforts and through your generosity. Let's make this year another one to remember!

        From July 8 14, we will be taking 15 youth to student life at the beach! This is not some kind of vacation ...this is an investment into the lives of our youth in a very unique way. Our youth group has gone on this trip three times, and many of our students have shared that this is the best youth event that they have ever been to. It is an amazing thing to participate in worship with 7,000 other teenagers from all over the united states. The featured speaker is Louie Giglio and the worship leader is Chris Tomlin. This duo works together regularly to bring messages through song and spoken word that both challenge and inspire our students to life a life of holiness.

        Since last august, students have been making monthly payments in order to pay for their spot to beach camp. Some of our students are not able to make the complete investment themselves., TT would like to, secure sponsors for these students to pay $75 on their trips. They will be working diligently to pay the rest themselves. If you are interested in helping offset the cost for some of our needy students, please see Brandon immediately.

        In April ...coming to a school near you ...Reggie Dabbs, our 2012 resurrection speaker'!! He will be visiting all of our local middle schools and high schools. Details will be released soon.

        Over the past five years, our youth group has helped to feed hundreds of people throughout the world through their 30 hour famine effort. Over X20,000 has been raised and many lives have been saved through our youth group's efforts and through your generosity. Let's make this year another one to remember!

        From July 8-14, we will be taking 15 youth to student life at the beach! This is not some kind of vacation ...this is an investment into
        the lives of our youth in a very unique way. Our youth group has UUM gone on this trip three times, and many of our students have shared that this is the best youth event that they have ever been to. It is an amazing thing to participate in worship with 7,000 other teenagers from all over the united states. The featured speaker is Louie Giglio and the worship leader is Chris Tomlin. This duo works together regularly to bring messages through song and spoken word that both challenge and inspire our students to
        life a life of holiness. Since last august, students have been making monthly payments in order to pay for their spot to beach camp. Some of our students are not able to make the complete investment themselves.,TTwould like to, secure sponsors for these students to pay $75 on their trips. They will be working diligently to pay the rest themselves. If you are interested in helping offset the cost for some of our needy students, please see Brandon immediately.

        In April ...coming to a school near you ...Reggie Dabbs, our 2012 resurrection speaker'!! He will be visiting all of our local middle schools and high schools. Details will be released soon.